Lotro: An end of an era, Thank You and Farewell Chance Thomas!

Thank you for all the music over the years, Chance. It was beautiful, magical and added that something special to the game. You will be missed, and the experience will never be the same. I had so much hope that you would be coming back for Gondor and Minas Tirith. Lotro will never be the same.

Thank you, farewell, and all the best for the future Chance.

Follow and support Chance Thomas at: www.chancethomas.com

To purchase Chance’s music on iTunes, click here.

Update: Some viewers have been searching Chance Thomas’s Facebook profile to validate the information, and the exact post may not appear. This is because he has set the post’s privacy to ‘Friends Only’. I did not and have no reason to fabricate his statements.

13 responses to “Lotro: An end of an era, Thank You and Farewell Chance Thomas!

  1. Pingback: LOTRO Music to Remain In-House, No More Chance Thomas | LOTRO Players·

  2. This is terrible news. One of the reasons LOTRO has been such a success was the music IMO. Music to me is a huge part of world immersion when it comes to RP in mmo’s. I feel that the quality in the game has become sub-standard since Warner Bros took over Turbine. Letting of Chance Thomas is a bad decision. 😦

    • Honestly I have my music off so I can actually hear the game, or the people I’m in a Skype-Call with. So that’s not entirely-true. But I do agree when a company lets someone like him go. its a big loss, and like what are they NOT going to have music in the next Ex-Pack? XDDDD

  3. Pingback: RunicPortal » Chance Thomas announces official end to his LOTRO score·

  4. Pingback: Chance Thomas announces official end to his LOTRO score·

  5. Pingback: Chance Thomas announces official end to his LOTRO score | MMOpium·

  6. Love the music in game! Is there any way to get Chance back? Petition? Boycott? Muscle? Big Battle? Epic *programming* Destruction?
    There are plenty of areas that are yet needed in the game,,, why not write them anyway and prove your well-loved talent to Turbine with the support of us players. That might just be enough to get you back! Particularly when their in-house jive falls flat!

  7. Pingback: MMO Reporter Episode 199: Elite Dangerous – We Love You·

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